The Price is Right

A Case study on how Phase 2 Interactive helped drastically reduce the length of Sonic's menu selection, printing, and delivery process; while also providing enterprise wide pricing intelligence.

The Problem

A six month process scattered across the franchise, using scattered software tools, with little business intelligence store pricing and item selection.

1. Disconnected spreadsheets kept critical menu & pricing data scattered.

2. Slow menu rollouts ensured customer confusion when visiting different locations.

3. No built in pricing intelligence, caused minor to major pricing errors.

4. No central way to track market item selections or measure their performance.

5. Long hours spent error checking every menu, only to have major problems slip through.

The two client teams and ours, were faced with the daunting challenge of not only rolling out a critical piece of technology flawlessly, but also, changing a major process within the franchise. Everything had to work, everyone had to buy in, and the time line was tight.

Our Solution

Starting with the buy-in of major players and working with great client project leads, we crafted a two fold software solution. Part one, revolutionize the menu management and pricing process. Part two, change how menus were processed, printed, and delivered. Then, tie them together through an API to ensure extensibility.

A Sonic Success

A unified menu management system, with built in pricing intelligence and easy to use interface, gave each franchisee and Sonic corporate more time and new insight into the business.


pricing intelligence

A pricing rules engine provides unprecedented levels of intelligence


simple to use

Easy step by step interface makes the whole process simple


centralized menu management

Menu item management in one place, providing history and help

The S & S Solution

A print order processing system built to provide both incredible flexibility, but also, ease of use.


sorting & filtering

Sophisticated, easy to use sorting and filtering, allowing S & S to dynamically work with data.


order & shipping processing

Order processing and shipping integration to UPS, using barcodes to automate processes.


powerful interface

A UI that helps users quickly accomplish tasks that would have taken hours before.

Learn More

Email or call Heath Clinton today to learn more about how we can help you. 405.917.3778

A Trusted Partner With A Proven Track Record

Our History

Founded by Mark Towler in the late 1990s, Phase 2 Interactive is an Oklahoma City-based software development company. For nearly 15 years, we have been on the leading edge of custom business software development and solutions. From smart phone and tablet software, to web application and enterprise software, our team works smart and hard to bring value to every customer experience.

Phase 2 has repeatedly been recognized as an innovator and technology leader, bringing best of breed software tools to each unique situation. We are proud to work with large, recognized businesses, associations and industry leaders, across the country.
